"An organization, commercially or socially centered, is like a living organism. Its vital signs must be scientifically and accurately measured, the right dosage of the right agent must be delivered to the right member, and a follow-up checkup must be performed in order to improve its wellness. Theory ZYX approaches change management in this same manner; therefore, distinguishing itself from all other change management methods."

Ali Jamshidi
                                                                      First Energy

Theory ZYX: the new innovation

The leaders who have managed major change know how difficult, complex, and consuming succeeding at creating change can be. Those who have not been through a major change initiative may think of the above statement as an exaggeration.

On the surface, public admission of failure of a change initiative is rare, but the brutal fact is that 70% of all change initiatives fail or produce only middling results. The initial question is why do so many change programs not produce excellent results? The question is especially critical in today's rapid fire business environment.

Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management is the new practical innovative theory developed by Nigam Arora to help leaders ensure success at creating change. Theory ZYX is the result of years of real life experiences, not merely a study of the human mind.

Theory ZYX uncovers real reasons behind change initiative failures, discovers hidden truths of basic human nature, makes visible what is not visible on the surface, and ties new innovations in a comprehensive practical framework, complete with rigorous measurements as well as leading indicators, to successfully manage change.

Theory ZYX  results in a closed loop feedback system  starting from a preliminary picture of vision thinking through available strategies, desired results, proposed implementation, and the most important aspects of the nature of the people involved feeding back the discoveries   to the vision development repeating the process in a recursive manner for all of the twelve elements and three axes of Theory ZYX continuing the iterative process in precisely the fashion prescribed  by Theory ZYX until the measurements related to each element are rated in the acceptable band following the rigorous discipline of Theory ZYX related to planning, execution, and people the result is the assurance of success at change management.

 For details of Theory ZYX, please read the whitepaper.

One major advantage of applying Theory ZYX is that it concentrates your focus on only twelve elements in three dimensions. These elements are responsible for 99% of the success. You no longer waste your time and energy on a multitude of other factors that contribute only 1% to the success. For details, please request the whitepaper titled 'Succeed Every Time at Creating Change' with a subtitle of 'Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management'.

Theory ZYX is quite versatile and comprehensive, as such it works well in a variety of situations including but not limited to those listed below:


Theory ZYX 11 Tenets
The application of the change management method and system based on the widely acclaimed Theory ZYX  ensures spectacular success at your initiatives, avoids pitfalls and focuses your energies on 12 elements that are responsible for 99% of  the success at change management.

Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management states that to be consistently successful at creating and managing change with the very least effort at the very fastest pace while taking the least possible risk , the change initiative must follow 11  tenets.

The First Tenant

Create, organize, and manage change in three dimensions.

The three dimensions are pictorially represented as the three axes:  the Z Axis
, the Y Axis , and the X Axis .


The Z Axis is the Planning Axis and consists of these three elements:

Desired Results


The Y Axis is the Execution Axis  and consists of these five elements:


-        Ambition

-        Knowledge

-        Ability       


The X Axis is the People Axis and consists of these four elements:


-        Fear

-        Trust

-        Inductivity

Second Tenant

1.  Focus only on the three axes and their 12 elements as they are responsible for 99 percent of the success.  Save time and resources by ignoring other dimensions and elements.

   Third Tenant
Make the Z Axis the starting point.
Fourth Tenant
Perform all elements of the Z Axis in the order listed, i.e., vision first, strategy second, and desired results last.
For all 11 tenets and a thorough discussion of each tenet, please read the book titled THEORY ZYX OF SUCCESSFUL CHANGE MANAGEMENT A DEFINETIVE GUIDE TO REACH THE NEXT LEVEL or attend a Change Management Webinar.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted 28 patent claims on Theory ZYX Change Method and System.
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